Spay and Neuter FAQs

Veterinary Care and Spay and Neuter FAQs from a Veterinarian Near You

Spaying and neutering are essential procedures that protect the health and well-being of domesticated pets in the home. At Loving Hands Animal Hospital, we provide compassionate spay/neuter services for both cats and dogs alike. For those searching for trusted veterinary care from a veterinarian near you in Chino, CA, turn to us at Loving Hands Animal Hospital.

Spay and neuter FAQs

What Is the Difference between Spaying and Neutering an Animal?

Spaying an animal involves the removal of the ovaries and uterus from a female canine (dog) or feline (cat). Removal of the uterus and ovaries will prevent heat cycles while ensuring sterilization and preventing future pregnancies.

Neutering, on the other hand, is the surgical removal of testicles from male canines (dogs) or male felines (cats). The removal of testicles will limit testosterone production and prevent fathering kittens or puppies in the future.

Why Is It Important to Spay or Neuter My Pets?

Seeking a veterinarian near you for spaying or neutering your pet is beneficial for the following reasons:

●             Avoid Overpopulation: Prevent unnecessary reproduction of your dog or cat to reduce overpopulation in your area or region.

●             Behavior: Aggressive behaviors, marking, roaming, and territorial behaviors may also be reduced after having your pet spayed or neutered.

●             Health Benefits: Reducing the risk of various infections and certain cancers along with the potential development of cancerous tumors is possible by having your pet neutered or spayed.

When Is the Best Time to Have My Pet Spayed or Neutered?

For most animals, depending on their size and breed, it's recommended to visit your local veterinary office for a spaying or neutering procedure between 6 and 12 months of age. In some cases, kittens and puppies may be safely spayed or neutered at around 8 weeks, depending on the judgment of your veterinarian near you.

What Risks Are Associated with Spaying and Neutering?

While the risks are relatively low, there are some potential risks, including:

●             Anesthesia: Any procedure that requires anesthesia may put your pet at an increased risk.

●             Complications: Reactions, bleeding, and infections may occur at the incision site, although these are very rare.

Get Veterinary Care and a Spay/Neuter Procedure/Surgery from a Veterinarian Near You

At Loving Hands Animal Hospital, we want to make the spay/neuter procedure/surgery as seamless, painless, and quick as possible. To learn more about spaying and neutering when it comes to your cats and dogs in Chino, CA, contact us at Loving Hands Animal Hospital to schedule your consultation or appointment. Call us at (909) 591-2273 for veterinary care from a veterinarian near you.