Spay and Neuter

Veterinary Care and Spay/Neuter from a Veterinarian in Chino, CA

Not planning to raise lots of puppies or kittens? Trying to find another way to keep your pet happy and healthy? Spay/neuter surgery has several benefits for your pets — and you!

Spay and Neuter

Are you looking for a veterinarian near you to handle this kind of procedure/surgery? At Loving Hands Animal Hospital in Chino, CA, we offer spaying and neutering for dogs and cats. Down below, we’ll go over what this surgery involves and how it helps your pets!

Why Should I Have My Pet Neutered or Spayed?

This veterinary procedure helps your pets in lots of ways. Some of the health benefits include the following:

●             Lower risk of breast cancer in female pets

●             Prevents uterine infections in female pets

●             Lower risk of testicular cancer in male pets

●             Reduced risk of enlarged prostate glands in male pets

Spaying and neutering offers a few behavioral benefits, too! These include the following:

●             Less desire to roam in male pets

●             Reduced urine marking in male pets

●             No heat cycles in female pets

These benefits can help reduce potentially stressful behaviors — and keep your pets safe from wandering off and getting hurt.

And having pets spayed or neutered helps reduce pet overpopulation. That leads to fewer pets ending up without homes!

What Is Spaying?

This procedure involves removing a female cat or dog’s ovaries and/or uterus. This stops them from having the ability to reproduce, preventing unwanted litters.

What Is Neutering?

This surgery involves removing a male dog or cat’s testicles. This removes their ability and desire to mate.

Is This Surgery Safe for My Pet?

Yes! We do use anesthesia in order to be able to safely perform this procedure. But our team monitors your pet’s blood pressure, respiratory rate, and other vitals.

How Do I Help My Pet Recover?

Spaying and neutering doesn’t require weeks and weeks of recovery. Your pet should fully recover in just a couple of weeks or less. During that time, you can do the following to help your pet get better:

●             Give your pet a quiet, comfortable place for resting

●             Limit their physical activity

●             Check the incision site for infections

Get Veterinary Care and a Spay/Neuter Procedure/Surgery from a Veterinarian Near You

Do you need a veterinarian near you for this procedure/surgery? We can help! Call us at (909) 591-2273 to set up an appointment at Loving Hands Animal Hospital. Our veterinary team performs all procedures — including spaying and neutering — with the utmost care! Contact us for veterinary care and a spay/neuter procedure/surgery from a veterinarian in Chino, CA.